Thursday, July 7, 2011

life is so fragile

i received a phone call tonight that made my heart sink. Tim called me from work to tell me that our niece, Karissa, had drown. she is alive. she is in the hospital staying overnight. Karissa just celebrated her first birthday on June 2. my brother and sister-in-law were in their doughboy pool cleaning and had Karissa in a floating device in the middle of the pool. when they didn't hear any noise, they turned around to see her floating face down. i had goosebumps, i was sick to my stomach, i was shaking. i don't ever want to know what that moment must have felt like. my sister-in-law immediately began to give Karissa CPR while her husband called 911. Kristy resesitated Karissa! what a miracle. praise God she knew CPR. i immediately went into Emma's room sobbing and knelt beside her crib and just prayed for Karissa and for Emma. such tiny little bodies. so fragile and gentle. how quick Karissa's life was almost taken. i will surely being watching E even more closely, holding her even more tightly and thanking God even more often for this precious life He has trusted Tim and i to take care of.

we love you, Karissa


Kathleen said...

chills. chills. chills. my eyes are welling up with tears. i'm so happy she is safe.

Lindsey Taber said...

Oh my gosh. I am so glad Karissa is ok. Thank you lord for these precious gifts. I seriously have a pit in my stomach.

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