Tuesday, July 5, 2011

to daycare or not to daycare

not. at least not right now.

a few posts ago i explained our new schedule and the need we had to put E in daycare. we thought we had found the one. nothing changed with the daycare. everything changed with my mommy instincts. i had sleepless night after sleepless night where my thoughts would take over and before i knew it, it was 3 am and i had convinced myself that E would sit in a corner all day at daycare crying and find no comfort until i came to pick her up. that there would be another kid that would pinch her and no justice, i mean discipline, would be done. that she would be lost in the crowd. that a stranger would see her take her first steps. i know that daycare is great for most people. but i just couldn't shake my mommy instincts. it wasn't going to work for our family. what has been working out is: my mom watches her on Tuesday and a close family friend, Dannyell, watches her (at our house) on Wednesday and Friday. i have every other Friday off and Dannyell still comes over to watch E so that i can run a few errands and work around the house. it's working great for our family.


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